Trusting God’s Timing

rob mcbryde standard blog hero

The most common question Inés and I get is “So when are you moving?” which is one we ask ourselves daily as well. If only we knew several more pieces of info, we could answer that question. Our best guess at this time is August or September at the latest. School starts in late September so I imagine the latest we would move would be Labor Day weekend.

The two most critical things about which we are waiting to hear from Fuller are:

  1. the merit-based scholarship and
  2. on-campus housing openings.

The tuition alone for three years of seminary is approximately $60,000 so our biggest prayer is that Inés is awarded a sizable scholarship. Seriously praying for the 100% one! That piece alone will determine the scale of our fundraising efforts.

Then housing in Pasadena, CA. I’m told it’s a bit more expensive than North Little Rock, AR. 😉 Again, being chosen to occupy one of the few 2 bedroom apartments on or near the campus is our first choice and second largest prayer. These apartments are somewhat rent-controlled by the school and are considerably more affordable than anywhere else in the area. Our hope is that Inés can be close to the school for quick access to the library as well as to experience community with other seminary students.

As soon as we hear anything, I’ll post an update, but right now these two prayer requests top our list and are pretty much the extent of what we know right now.

Meanwhile, life is good here in the McBryde house. We are not discouraged and trust that God will reveal the next steps in due time.

Thanks for joining us in this journey!

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