Women in Ministry: Grace-filled words via Instagram

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Yesterday, out of the blue, I received an encouraging Instagram message from a good friend in North Little Rock, Arkansas. He and I have known each other for over a decade and I consider him a brother in the faith. We have never previously talked about the topic of women in ministry. His words were a timely reminder that God has ordered our steps, and we are being faithful to the calling He has given us…one in which my wife is and will be a pastor.

He gave me permission to post this.

I wanted to briefly share a positive impact you and your wife have had on me from afar.

I’ve been challenged in what I thought was appropriate roles for women in ministry, specifically preaching. I’ve watched her videos and voice over the past several years and while I appreciated it I was still uncomfortable.

Then as I encountered more stories of women Missionaries like Anne Judson, Lottie Moon and others I found myself trapped in an illogical position. How could I revere heroes of the faith that persisted, taught, led services, and shared the gospel while harboring suspicion of theologically sound female preacher/teachers.

Then when I considered how I’ve been blessed by reading and listening to Beth Moore & Priscilla Shirer I discovered this all added up to hypocrisy. Hypocrisy mostly rooted in cultural norms and not wholly rooted in scripture.

Finally as I began to talk to my Pastor and other SBC teachers I respect I discovered that their own views were much more supportive of women preaching I found myself released to a whole new paradigm.

I’m headed back to scripture to make sure I understand as much as possible but I can firmly say I now think Women preaching is critical important to the body of Christ. My suspicion has disappeared and my hesitation will continue to weaken.

Inés has been the catalyst for much of this and I just wanted to share and say thank you.

You are welcome to show her this but I didn’t want to distract her on the Lord’s day and she doesn’t know me that well.

Love y’all and may God continue to bless, empower, and further her ministry in advance of his Kingdom and His glory. ❤

Amen, my friend. Amen.

For more resources on this topic, please check out Women in Ministry.

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