Website Consulting


My website development career began in 2003 while working for a church that required some website updates. With a DIY attitude and aptitude for figuring things out, I took over the role of website manager for the church. I started tinkering with personal projects to experiment and broaden my understanding of how the internet worked.

A couple of years later I started a side business called IVM Web Solutions, described back then as “a web design company who looks out for small-medium businesses and non-profit organizations. We find the best and most cost-effective solutions to meet your digital communication needs.” Understanding the bootstrap nature of non-profits, I worked with several churches, ministries, speakers, and other non-profit organizations building nearly 40 websites over five years.

Ongoing Passion

Though I’ve worked in a larger, more enterprise-level web development arena for the last many years, my passion for aiding churches and non-profits in establishing a clear and professional online presence persists. The internet’s transformative power, akin to the printing press in the 1400s, fuels my desire to help organizations share information for the greater good.

Client Testimonial

“As a reconciliation leader, who is also the founder and president of my own speaking and consulting company, I’ve worked for years to develop a compelling and engaging website. That’s why I’m thrilled about the new website Rob McBryde designed for me! Rob has a unique ability to help his clients clarify their message and his years of experience and heart for inclusion and diversity is reflected in every page of his work. I LOVE my new website!” – Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil,

Let’s Collaborate

Whether you seek consultation for your existing website, a redesign, or another online initiative, kickstart the conversation by completing this form.

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