The Church We Hope For

The Church We Hope For - home page

The Church We Hope For website has been a work in progress since the summer of 2019 because our plans to plant a church in Southern California continue to be a work in progress.

I remember looking through some video archives that I hadn’t seen in a long time and came across this gem from October 2010 (nearly ten years ago!). Bobby was the student pastor at our church in Arkansas. At that time Inés was serving as a volunteer leader in the women’s ministry and had gotten close to Bobby’s wife Amy. This video represents the “receipts” if you will of how far back our two families go in ministry partnership. It’s so wild to hear the things Bobby says about Ines and to look at where our families are now (living 1/4 mile from each other on the other side of the country and planting a church!).

I created this site as a resource to document the journey as it is happening in real-time.

Page Designs

Home page

 The Church We Hope For - Home page    


About page

The Church We Hope For - About page


Sermons listing page

The Church We Hope For - Sermons page


Sermon detail page

The Church We Hope For - Sermon detail page


Blog listing page

The Church We Hope For - Updates page


Check it out!

We’re still moving forward day by day with even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic! 

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