Organize Your Finances with a Bill Pay Checklist

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Since 2007 I’ve used a Google Spreadsheet called McBryde Bill Pay Checklist to keep track of our recurring bills and help manage our finances. This simple yet effective tool has been my go-to for managing recurring bills and maintaining financial discipline.

How to use the Bill Pay Checklist 

Download and Set Up:

  • Download the Excel file: Bill Pay Checklist 2016.
  • For Google Drive users, upload the file to your Drive and convert it into a Google Spreadsheet for easy access from multiple devices.

Add Recurring Expenses:

  • Input all recurring expenses, organized by due date.
  • Optionally, enhance visibility by color-coding expenses by categories like charitable giving, retirement, savings, utilities, etc.

Regular Usage:

  • Open the spreadsheet every time you get paid.
  • Pay the bills due between the current and next payday.
  • Mark completed transactions on the checklist.

Yearly Maintenance:

  • Start a new sheet each year and make necessary adjustments.

This straightforward practice, when consistently followed, becomes second nature, offering a practical and organized approach to financial management.

Taking It to the Next Level with YNAB

For those seeking advanced budgeting and financial insights, I highly recommend the game-changing app, You Need A Budget (YNAB). Here’s why:

Real-time Financial Tracking:

  • Connect all your financial accounts seamlessly, enabling real-time tracking of checking balances, mortgage debt, retirement accounts, and more.

Goal Setting and Budgeting:

  • Easily create and manage financial goals and budgets, ensuring a proactive approach to your financial future.

Accessibility and Simplicity:

  • Accessible from any device with an internet connection, YNAB simplifies financial management without the constraints of traditional software like Quicken.

I use YNAB and have never felt more in control of my money. Sign up for YNAB, and let’s embark on this exciting financial journey together! Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to a brighter future.

Sign up for YNAB and let’s nerd out together over financial success!

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