The eleventh hour of our departure

rob mcbryde standard blog hero

Just a few months ago I was focused on selling furniture and whatnot on Craigslist and Facebook. Man, time has flown by! With our departure date getting closer and closer, each week flies by faster than the last. We’re about to spend the last night in our home of the last 6.5 years. Tomorrow the moving trailer arrives and all the stuff we’ve been feverishly packing the last couple of weeks will be loaded up and travel ahead of us to Pasadena, CA. I’m glad this packing phase of our journey is coming to an end.








Tomorrow after work some guys from church will come over and help me load everything into a trailer. Then we’ll stay with my parents until Sunday when we hit the road for four days. OKC, Albuquerque, Grand Canyon, and then finally Pasadena!

Let the adventure begin! Follow along at

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