Moving day is coming!

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It’s been nearly two months since the last update. The reason for such few posts is that we continue to wait on many things.

We wait to hear about financial support from our church. We anticipate approval on that any day now. At that time, two things will happen:

  1. We’ll be approved to direct friends and family who wish to support us financially to donate to the church’s seminary scholarship fund. You’ll be able to do this by using the online giving tool on the church’s website or by writing a check to the church. Once we’re approved, we’ll share the details on those options. EDIT: This has been approved. See Monthly Support for more info.
  2. We’ll know how much support our home church will provide us on a monthly basis and will share specifics on how much we’ll need to raise per month to pay for school and living expenses. (Sneak peak: the difference between my salary and our monthly needs is about $2,800 per month.)

We wait to receive an offer on our home that is for sale in NLR. This is perhaps one of the more stressful things upon which to wait, but we have a backup plan to rent our home should an offer not come in in the next couple of weeks.

We wait to post updates for when there is something fun and exciting to share. I got tired of waiting on the fun and exciting announcements so I’m sharing what info we currently have.

There is some exciting news…though it’s bittersweet. We’ve planned our moving dates and now know when we’ll pack our house into a trailer and when we’ll depart North Little Rock to make our journey west to Pasadena.

  • August 22nd – ABF trailer delivered to 5317 Locust, NLR
  • August 25th – ABF trailer picked up and shipped to California.
  • August 28th – McBrydes leave NLR after church/lunch
  • August 31st – McBrydes arrive in Pasadena
  • September 1st – ABF trailer arrives at 261 N. Madison Ave, Pasadena

Let the countdown to August 28th begin!

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