Stones of Remembrance

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In the spirit of Joshua 4, I’ve gathered several encouraging messages that Inés has received over the last several days since graduating with her Master of Divinity degree from Fuller on Saturday, June 15, 2019. May we never forget all the Lord has done for us and how far he has brought us. As we sang at the Centro Latino graduation ceremony, “All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.” Selah

1 When all the nation had finished passing over the Jordan, the Lord said to Joshua, “Take twelve men from the people, from each tribe a man, and command them, saying, ‘Take twelve stones from here out of the midst of the Jordan, from the very place where the priests’ feet stood firmly, and bring them over with you and lay them down in the place where you lodge tonight.’” Then Joshua called the twelve men from the people of Israel, whom he had appointed, a man from each tribe. And Joshua said to them, “Pass on before the ark of the Lord your God into the midst of the Jordan, and take up each of you a stone upon his shoulder, according to the number of the tribes of the people of Israel, that this may be a sign among you. When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’ then you shall tell them that the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.”

Inés Velásquez-McBryde - a woman of valor

by Rob McBryde

We were so excited to be in Pasadena, CA this weekend as Ines, oldest of our 7, graduated with her Masters of Divinity from Fuller Seminary! We are SO proud of her and her accomplishments! She was also chosen as one of four students out of over 600 to be interviewed by the Seminary president during the graduation ceremony.
I am excited to see what God has planned for her future. Watch out world, Ines is on her way!!

by Dana Velásquez

Inés with Alï and Dana

So proud of this woman (and her supportive husband and son)!

by Stacey Valley

Inés and Stacey at graduation

“You gotta have people around you who see in you what God sees in you” // Warren Campbell // There aren’t enough words to adequately convey my gratitude for this friend & sister & mentor & pastor who consistently sees and calls out the best in me. It’s categorically unfair that I’ve been given access to her beautiful life and family, but my goodness do I thank Jesus for that favor. Love you forever & always, Inés! Congrats on the most legendary, God-glorifying seminary career!

by Hannah Geraci

Inés and Hannah at Fellowship Monrovia

Proud, proud parents. So happy to see the success of their Daughter. To hear of all the wonderful accomplishments that she has completed. To see the many peoples lives she has touched. You raised a beautiful Woman. My hat and heart is off to you.

by Debbie Charlesworth

let me just brag on this big sister of mine real quick… this beautiful woman of God right here was scared three years ago before starting seminary saying “I haven’t even written an essay since college!” and NOW she is graduating with her Masters of Divinity from Fuller, she has pastored fearlessly, fought for women in the ministry, spoken at countless conferences and events, advocated for the rights of minorities, and studied more hours than any human should, all the while being a mother/wife/sister/daughter/friend. she’s on fire, people! you best be waiting for her book because what God has placed in her is uncontainable. and kudos to her for marrying Roberto because i’ve watched him encourage her and extract every bit of God-given ability from her when she forgets how great she is. You are resiliently influential and compassionate, mi hermana. estoy muy orgullosa de ti.

by Monica Duncan

Inés at Centro Latino graduation

Before running this next great race together, let’s stop and celebrate this. finish. line! @inesmcbryde, you did it! Well done good and faithful servant.

I honor you today as the mighty woman of God you are. Pastor and preacher. Reconciler and redemptive peacemaker. Bold shepherd and steadfast friend. Te quiero mucho, hermana. The God of all good has us in His good hands.

by Bobby Harrison

Inés Velásquez-McBryde and Bobby Harrison after Fuller Theological Seminary graduation

Today is the day!!!

I remember sitting at lunch and she said: “I think God is calling me to seminary in California but I don’t want to go. If He needs me to, He’s going to really have to show me.” …and He did.

I remember having coffee and she said: “Well, I was accepted into Fuller but I don’t have the money. If He wants me to do this, He’s going to have to pave the way.” …and he did.

I remember the text when she said: “I’m so lonely and home sick. If He wants me to stay, He’s going to have to send me community.” …and He did.

I remember the first week syllabi and she said [cried]: “I can’t do this. If He wants me to get through this, He’s going to have to make me smarter.” …and He did.


God has been faithfully pursuing and pushing @inesmcbryde to follow His instructions. I have seen her challenged, frustrated, exhausted, stretched, and – I’ll just say it – down right disrespected and bullied by people close to her. But not by God. He has been faithful and because of her commitment I’ve also seen her growth, beauty, wisdom, humility. And today she graduates and fulfills His calling of her life, as His Voice. Pastor Inés, I adore you <3

by Jennifer Ragsdale

Inés Velásquez-McBryde and Karley Hatter at Fuller Theological Seminary Baccalaureate

Mia hermana @inesmcbryde.
Her expression here says it all.
Three years of flint-set face
running her race
and now
she fixes her eyes
above and ahead
shining with joy and hope
glinting with hard-won victory
alive with the promise
that He who called her is faithful
and He will do it.
Shalom on all who held out
cups of cold water along the route.
Bless the Lord who made her steps firm
despite the rocks thrown in her path.
Steady on, my sister. Steady on.

by Andrea Alford

Inés Velásquez-McBryde speaking at Fuller Theological Seminary graduation

My body is in Seattle but my spirit is with @INESmcbryde & @efremsmith at their graduation from @fullerseminary today! They WORKED HARD & these two dedicated preachers, pastors and reconciliation leaders made it!! The future of the church is in good hands w/ graduates like this!

by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil

Inés Velásquez-McBryde and Dr. Efrem Smith at Fuller Theological Seminary graduation

they say i have mastered the divine with this MDiv degree, however i think the Divine is just beginning to master me. selah.

i am still full of adrenaline, joy, tears, gratitude & grace from graduation weekend. i have cried more in one week than i have in a while as i plowed thru finals week & then skidded into graduation day. i’ve worked the hardest i’ve ever worked in academia & had no idea how much harder the journey would be being mom & wife, pastor & friend. but by God’s grace, a supportive husband, a patient son & a stadium of witnesses, I DID IT.

i want to thank every person that has 100% supported my calling as a pastor and walked alongside us these past three years. (i still have one more class this summer, many of us do to finish this 3 yr degree, ha!) BUT IT IS (pretty much) FINISHED. TETELESTAI!

Our cloud of witnesses - The Velásquezes, McBrydes, and Valleys

It was an honor to have been selected as Student Speaker to represent our School of Theology during Commencement. Thank you to all of you that played a part in this beautiful moment to make it happen.

by Inés Velásquez-McBryde, MDiv

You can watch her commencement message below.

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