Welcome to the Street Parking 365 Club!

On March 23, 2024, I logged my 365th Street Parking workout since starting the program on August 22, 2022. I typically get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, but only the programmed workouts count towards this goal and are tracked in the SP app. Street Parking offers members a few opportunities to earn gear made especially to celebrate milestones of consistency such as the 75 Hoodie, this 365 Club Shirt, and the 1000 Banner. I’m now in the SP 365 Days Worked Out Club earning me this rad 365 Club tee.
Reaching this milestone is a great accomplishment! And being the data nerd that I am, I naturally crunched the numbers to see how many programmed workouts I average per week.
- 578 days = 82.5 weeks
- 365 workouts over 82.5 weeks
- Average of 4.4 workouts per week
How It Started vs How It’s Going
Knowing that this was a significant milestone to reach, I decided to record the workout so I could have an archive of the event and see my progress after a year and a half of consistent functional strength training. Recording workouts was a habit I started from Day 1, but after getting disillusioned a few months in with the lack of my physical transformation, I stopped doing that.
This video has some clips from my first onramp workout and many more clips from my 365th workout, and then I share some thoughts at the end of the video on hitting this goal.
1st Programmed Workout:
5 Rounds
20 air squats
60 seconds of continuous movement
Rest for 30 seconds between rounds
365th programmed workout:
5 Sets
Each Set is 3 Rounds
3 Banded Strict Pull-Up*
8 Alternating Goblet Step-Up
Rest 1 Minute Between Sets
*After round three, my banded pull-up form was getting terrible so I substituted 6 dumbbell bent-over rows for the 3 strict pull-ups.
Expectations vs Reality
Even after 18 months of Street Parking workouts, I was tempted to quit this particular WOD after round one, definitely after round two. I kept going because I thought, “No matter how I get this done, I’m going to finish this workout. And there will be evidence.” Besides…the camera was rolling.
I have joined and quit so many gyms in my life, hardly making a dent in those memberships. I remember that person doing workout #1 feeling like enough is enough, needing a significant lifestyle change, and determined to turn things around. That person assumed this lifestyle change would result in a fitter physique, a smaller beer belly, and maybe even an ab muscle peeking out. In the first few months, I saw some gains in that regard, but then they stalled. I thought by 365 I’d be trimmer. Instead, I’m just way freakin’ stronger with more endurance and stamina than I’ve had most of my adult life.
Non-Scale Victories
Body composition is one success metric, but thankfully it’s not the only success metric. If weight loss or six-pack abs were the only goal, I would have given up on this journey long ago. I’ve learned (or am still learning) that realizing and celebrating the non-scale victories are essential to keep me motivated. Non-scale victories are health changes that occur when making positive lifestyle changes. These changes are not focused on body weight. Thankfully, there are so many other metrics that I’m hitting that keep me going. These are difficult to measure, but all add up to a much healthier life:
- Increased energy and stamina
- Improved sleep quality
- Better mood and mental health
- Increased strength and muscle definition
- Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Finding joy in movement
One metric that is staring me in the face as I watch this video comparison of workout #1 and workout #365 is the increased intensity of the workout. I wouldn’t be able to fathom having the ability to do workout #365 on day 1. How do you measure that success metric? I guess you record yourself, edit a video, and write a reflective blog post about it. 😂
Consider Joining Street Parking
If you need some direction in your fitness journey, I can’t recommend SP enough. Although there is no incentive for me to encourage others to join Street Parking, I think it’s a fantastic program. I don’t receive a commission or a free month of my subscription. Nonetheless, I love what they’ve put together, and if it can help someone I know to achieve their fitness goals, then I am all for it. Check out streetparking.com for more info.