October and November full of surprises!

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A lot of cool things happened since the last post.

Oct 15  – Racial Reconciliation Workshop

On the 15th, I attended Fellowship Monrovia’s first Racial Reconciliation Workshop. Ines attended the same workshop last Saturday. About 100 diverse people from the church spent 6-7 hours together discussing racism and reconciliation.  The workshop was “designed to introduce participants to the deceptive and destructive effects of racism in our lives and the body of Christ; and an opportunity to learn and experience the work of racial reconciliation.”

People sharing about internalized racist oppression
Various people of color shared openly about the effects of internalized racist oppression in their lives.
Privilege walk
Workshop participants did a “privilege walk” which is an experiential activity to highlight how people benefit or are marginalized by systems in our society. The guy on the right with his hand on his chin looks at his girlfriend who is on the opposite side. He’s white. She’s black. He was deeply moved by this experience.

Oct 20 – Cousins Randy and Karen visit Cali

My cousins were “in town” (about 70 miles from us) so Nash and I drove down to have dinner with them. It was great to see family, but even greater since this family lives in Minnesota! It’s been years!



 Oct 21-23 – Bay Area Drupal Camp (aka BADCamp)

I flew to Berkeley for the weekend for a Drupal web development conference and had fun hanging with several of my coworkers.


Oct 29 – Nina and Ryan Landis lead worship 1 mile from us!

Another Arkansas native came to town! Nina was a high school student when I first started volunteering with Younglife in 1997. It was great to see a familiar face and worship with her and her husband.


Oct 30 – Ines’ family from Nicaragua visit


Oct 31 – Halloween party with Fellowship Monrovia staff


Nov 2 – Ines spoke at Mosaix Conference in Dallas

My favorite thing that happened: Ines was one of the opening plenary speakers and lead a workshop at the Mosaix Conference in Dallas!


Nov 12 – Jacob Slaton “in town”

So much goodness in the span of a few weeks. So much to be thankful for.

We look forward to spending Thanksgiving for the 2nd year in a row with the Harrisons. Much love to all our friends and family. We are thankful for all of you.


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