30 Days of Thanks

rob mcbryde standard blog hero

Day 1: I’m thankful for my truly amazing wife @INESmcbryde.

Day 2: I’m thankful for my rockstar of a son (aka #Champ). ow.ly/eYxpA

Day 3: I’m thankful for peace that surpasses understanding.

Day 4: I’m thankful for the annual McBryde family reunion happening today. Not only because of the great food, but the great love.

Day 5: I’m thankful for relatively good health that has significantly improved over the last 10 months.

Day 6: I’m thankful for my friendships @AristotleBuzz and @AristotleSelect. My coworkers rock.

Day 7: I’m thankful for my #KingdomMan small group on Wednesday mornings…even though it is at 6am.

Day 8: I’m thankful for last night’s rejuvenating 9 hours of sleep and how resilient God made our bodies.

Day 9: I’m thankful for my #FNfriends and the community we experience while pursuing racial unity at @fellowshipnorth.

I’m thankful that my friend Angelo found out today that he got a job! #bonusthanks

Day 10: I’m thankful for Saturdays, sleeping in, and my peaceful toddler. #Champ

Day 11: I’m thankful for a mind to rhyme and two hype feet. It feels good…

Day 12: I’m thankful that things are almost always better than they seem. Perspective is everything.

Day 13: I’m thankful for my loving and supportive parents.

Day 14: I’m thankful for having such an incredibly cool sister @stacey_mcbryde.

Day 15: I’m thankful for beautiful friends – @arkychicky, @rachelpinto, Ramon, @ClassicLib05, @akvalley, Angelo, Will…

Day 16: I’m thankful to own two dependable and paid for cars. Most of the world’s population would love to have just one.

Day 17: I’m thankful that I have more strength within me than I have ever realized.

Day 18: I’m thankful I am able to walk upright after running a 10k yesterday.

Day 19: I’m thankful for my friend and #Spa10k running partner Peter Albahsous. He keeps it real.

Day 20: Mom & dad’s rep from 26 yrs ago intersected w/ my professional life today reminding me of what great parents I have.

Day 21: I’m thankful for the amazing daycare at @archildrens. They take such great care of my #Champ.

Day 22: I’m thankful for those who work on Thanksgiving so I can buy a loaf of bread and fill my car with gas. #benicetothem

Day 23: I’m thankful for quality guy time tonight with my lifelong friend and brother Will. Wolverines!

Day 24: I’m thankful for my aunts, uncles, and cousins that make up the Reid family.

Day 25: God can make beauty frm ashes. Thnkfl 4 friends like Barbara Scorza whom I wouldn’t know if not 4 Hurricane Katrina.

Day 26: Thankful for delicious black bean soup a la @INESmcbryde #food instagr.am/p/Sg6mUXIobe

Day 27: I’m thankful 4 an extended time of playing in the floor tonight with #Champ and @INESmcbryde. He won’t be 3 forever.

Day 28: I’m thankful for people like Jim Flowers who give so much of themselves to those in need. #counseling

Day 29: I’m thankful for my awesome in-laws. They are the best. #forserious

Day 30: Thankful for all the little things that are so easily taken 4 granted (health, food, family, cars, house, job, etc).


The list keeps growing.

Tell me. For what are you thankful?

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