Life giving rhythms of grace

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As we approach six full months in Pasadena, life has settled down a lot. The move back in August was intense. Nash starting school in a new city was intense. Ines starting seminary…intense. So much newness. So much intensity.

Things have in many ways leveled out for us. Nash and Ines have their school routines. I have my same job (which I love). We’ve started developing new friendships in our apartment complex and at church. We know how to get from point A to point B (and avoid parking tickets – got 3 in the first 3 weeks here).

So thankfully, the intensity has backed off quite a bit.

As Ines wrote in December, she set out this year, the next quarter of school, intentionally pursuing “healthier unforced rhythms of grace that will sustain me like the lattice holds up the vine for another 10 weeks.” An I can attest, those new rhythms of grace are life giving…to both of us…and Nash.  She’ll probably write more about that after this quarter is over in about a month, but for now I can say that the craziness that is seminary graduate school, though still very challenging, has become more palatable for all parties involved. 🙂

She is stronger than she will ever realize and continues to push through the long days and late nights, but still makes time to be present with Nash and me.

As for me, I have made some life giving changes to my routines that have made me feel more alive and present. In January I started jogging to Nash’s school which is mile away to pick him up from school, and then we have a pleasant walk home sometimes stopping for a treat on the way home. Nash LOVES walking home from school. I think it makes him feel like a big kid.

Two weeks ago he started taking taekwondo lessons on Monday nights. Not long ago he told me he wanted to be Batman when he grows up to which I replied, “There are two steps to you becoming Batman. First, you need to master martial arts. Second, become a billionaire.” We’re on baby step #1.

Another new rhythm this year (literally) is that I joined the gospel choir at Fellowship Monrovia. That’s been a great outlet for me to meet more people in our church community and do something I love to do (worship in song). Here’s a little clip from practice a couple of weeks ago. The amount of talent among our worship leaders is intimidating, but they are amazing leaders and teachers who push us to our maximum potential.

Jesus will continue to sustain us, encourage us, and surround us with life giving community through good days and the hard days. We welcome the good days, but we choose to not waste the hard days for they strengthen our resolve to push through, look for light in darkness, and draw nearer to Him and each other through it all.

Thanks for following our journey.



1 thought on “Life giving rhythms of grace”

  1. Miss y’all so much, but also excited to see all that God is doing through your time in California. Hopefully we can come visit soon. Love you!!!

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